SPOONER is an NFT minted by Bettingspoon, it takes a part of Bettingspoon’s online gaming service assets and tokenizes them into digital assets. Focusing on the proof of ownership on the Ethereum blockchain and revenue, SPOONER NFT V2 has been divided into 5 classes with each class having 4-6 different grades with their own unique traits. A collection of 11,516 SPOONER NFT V2 will be minted along with 210 Promotion editions. SPOONER NFTs are tokens based on the ERC-721 standard. SPOONER NFTs are permanently etched onto the blockchain and cannot be modified or stolen. SPOONER NFTs are unique, they are non-fungible, as these tokens are not interchangeable with one another. Based on the huge online gaming market, Bettingspoon online service’s digital asset, SPOONER NFT, has the potential to become a tremendous success.

Own digital assets that are objectively profitable

Currently, NFTs in the market are generally evaluated and sold for their unique and rare nature. The price of digital assets has been set high based on the uniqueness and rarity of the asset with no additional value. Therefore, SPOONER NFT wants to create an NFT that isn’t just valued for its rarity, but an NFT with additional value that gives objective profitability. This will be the key factor in increasing the value of the owned SPOONER NFTs and will exhibit a greater value in the NFT Marketplace.

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